A liturgical year in Oppenweiler, Baden-Württemberg

In 2007, the Dutch periodical Vieren published four columns on the liturgical life in Oppenweiler, the village where I was living at the time.

1) Haltes op de weg naar Pasen

On Lent and the Holy Week / Vieren 5(2007)1, 26–27 (pdf)

PNG of column 1

2) Liturgie buiten

On outdoor liturgy, nature symbols, and environmental awareness / Vieren 5(2007)2, 37–39 (pdf)

PNG of column 2

3) In vredesnaam

On a weekly prayer for peace and liturgy with a local slant / Vieren 5(2007)3, 32–33 (pdf)

PNG of column 3

4) Christus zegene dit huis

On Advent, Christmas Eve, and ‘Sternsinger’ / Vieren 5(2007)4, 38–39 (pdf)

PNG of column 4