The higher their education, the less meaning bride and groom attribute to preparation rituals like proposal and engagement. | The higher their education, the more bride and groom are moved by the individual components of their marriage liturgy, like prayer, symbols, lectures, and songs/music. |
Grafiek 4.16: Waardering per aanloopritueel, afgezet tegen iemands opleidingsniveau (0=geheel mee oneens; 3=geheel mee eens; van voor naar achter): “Je verloven vind ik waardevol” (N=214, rs=–.248, sig.=.000); “Ouders om de hand van hun kind vragen vind ik waardevol” (N=206, rs=–.258, sig.=.000); “In ondertrouw gaan vind ik waardevol” (N=218, rs=–.263, sig.=.000); “Het doen van een aanzoek vind ik waardevol” (N=215, rs=–.250, sig.=.000). Opleidingsschaal: basisschool/lbo (N=39); mavo/havo (N=34); mbo (N=65); vwo/hbo (N=59); universiteit (N=23). | Grafiek 4.25: Mate waarin een onderdeel huwenden emotioneel raakt, afgezet tegen hun opleidingsniveau (0=niet; 1=een beetje; 2=zeer; van voor naar achter): Gebeden (N=102, rs=.200, sig.=.044); Symbolen (N=88, rs=.256, sig.=.016); Lezingen (N=102, rs=.206, sig.=.038); Liederen/muziek (N=103, rs=.243, sig.=.013). Opleidingsschaal: basisschool/lbo (N=19); mavo/havo (N=16); mbo (N=37); vwo/hbo (N=20); universiteit (N=12). Respondenten met een kerkelijke huwelijksviering. |
These charts first appeared in print in Tijs Michels, Jos Pieper & Rien van Uden, Bewegingen rond de huwelijkssluiting, Jaarboek voor liturgie-onderzoek 17(2001), 107—134, at pages 116 and 131 respectively. My doctoral dissertation features them at pages 155 and 177.
I coded these graphs in Fortran using the public domain GR/GR3 library, developed at JSC. The original PDF output, available here and here, was produced by JSC's GLI/gks, patched by me to support Knuth's Computer Modern font. It was then converted to SVG using pdf2svg.
The CGM versions of these graphs, available here and here, follow the well-known NCAR format, meaning they can be viewed and converted with free interpreters like ctrans, cgmview, and (to some extent) gist. Unlike the PDF/SVG versions above, these use the Hershey Complex Roman font, which is appealing in its own right. I wrote a little more about CGM here and highlighted an earlier NCGM sample here.
The data charted here was collected in the course of my doctoral research and is copyrighted © Tijs Michels 2004. Only use it with proper reference to the dissertation. The Fortran code on the other hand, available here and here, is hereby placed in the public domain.